Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen

Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen

If you want to experience the rut at close hand in October, then this is your chance. Get into your outdoor gear, grab your camera and off you go to the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen. If you have never encountered these gorgeous animals at close range (less than 10m,...
Golden blooms

Golden blooms

Catching the delicious nectar from a feathered dandelion this cabbage butterfly hurriedly touches down for her pertinacious collection task. In the Bentwoud the young woodland allows for many glimpses at birds, animals and insects. This area is part of a land reform....
Walking with the wind

Walking with the wind

When walking alongside the N209 (Gemeneweg, bicycle path, Hazerswoude Dorp ⇠⇢ Hazerswoude Rijndijk) you can spot these spectacular common reeds growing at the waterfront. With their elevated length, graciously waving along with the wind, making a hushing sound to...