This flavoured sugar mix has the sapor of Scheherazade telling stories and velvet caressing your tongue softly. You think we are making up fairy tales? Then you should mix it up yourself, pour a spoonful at the bottom of your favourite cup and top it up with freshly brewed java on a lazy, cold Sunday afternoon. Inhale the aromas and breathe in the bliss…


Prep time

5 mins




  • 160g Coconut blossom sugar

  • ½ tsp Coriander seeds (freshly ground)

  • ½ tsp Cassia buds (freshly ground)

  • ½ tsp Cardamom (freshly ground)

  • ½ tsp Mace (ground)

  • ½ tsp Cloves (ground)

  • ½ tsp Cinnamon (ground)

  • 1 tsp Vanilla powder

  • ⅓ Tonka bean (freshly ground)


  • Pour all ingredients into a fitting jar with screw top.
  • Shake well for at least a minute or until everything is well mixed.
  • Don’t leave the jar open for too long to prevent the aromas from escaping and moisture creeping in.

Here are the exact things we used: